PO/SO Learning Circles
PO Learning Circles
VO Learning Circles
Tertiair Onderwijs Learning Circles
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(V)SO en PO in een Learning Circle? Onderwijs heeft tot doel kinderen te vormen en voor te bereiden op hun toekomst in de 21e eeuw. ICT en Learning Circles bij uitstek biedt kinderen uit het regulier- en speciaal onderwijs de kans om samen te leren. Met het samenwerken van PO en (V)SO scholen ontstaat een leergemeenschap waar, met de juiste aanpassing, een beperking niets meer uitmaakt. Een ‘gemengde Learning Circle SO-PO’ is niets meer en minder dan een afspiegeling van de werkelijke wereld om ons heen. De praktijk laat zien dat kinderen en jongeren die (internationaal) samenwerken moeiteloos barrières slechten die volwassen als drempel voor samenwerkend leren hebben bedacht. Dat bewees ook de zeer succesvolle pilot in het voorjaar van 2008. De partners in de Learning Circles Nederland-Suriname willen dat als vertrekpunt nemen voor drie nieuwe Learning Circles met Suriname in 2009. Ook gaan we proberen de eerste stap naar de Antillen te maken! Global Teenager Project en UTSN Sponsor |
![]() In 2009 Rotterdam will be the European Youth Capital. From the beginning of 2009, young people will be at the center of attention, have the opportunity to really make things better in their own city and, of course, take part in a whole host of fun and interesting events and activities organized for, by and with young people. YOUR WORLD is the brand name of Rotterdam European Youth Capital in 2009Rotterdam Rotterdam has been divided into 12 boroughs and one of them is the borough of Hillegersberg Schiebroek. This part of the city is extremely busy with a lot of preparatory work to make 2009 a successful year for young people. This borough has started a panel of young people and they have designed around 24 projects to be carried out in 2009: art and cultural activities, sports activities and they would like to start a project which gives them the possibility to get in touch with other young people from other European cities, with the aim to exchange information about each others world, about each others life. A successful tool and proven concept are the Learning Circles. ![]() A Learning Circle is a highly interactive, project-based partnership among a small number of schools located in different countries. The borough of Hillegersberg Schiebroek (Rotterdam) is looking for schools in other European cities to take part in two Learning Circles, during the period of March, April, May 2009. Therefore the YOUR WORLD educational coordinator, Mastery Education, and Global Teenager Project* join hands. GTP is active in over 32 countries and offers Learning Circles in five languages for over 10 years.Two thematic Learning Circles: “What’s your world”? Primary Education: schools/classes with students, age 10 – 12 years old, facilitated by Mastery Education Secondary Education: schools/classes with students, age 13 – 15 years old, facilitated by GTP Netherlands ![]() When? The Learning Circles start with “Week 1″ on Monday March 2nd 2009, The general theme of both Learning Circles is: “What’s your world?” and focuses on living as teenagers in Europe.* The Global Teenager Project is supported by IICD in The Hague and partners with iEARN international. |
SO/PO1 – SO/PO 2 |
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Een VMBO Learning Circle en een studiereis? Wie denkt dat alleen HAVO en VWO leerlingen baat hebben bij internationaal samenwerken, slaat de plank goed mis! Juist ook de VMBO leerlingen krijgen in hun toekomstige werk te maken met internationale aspecten. Dankzij de groeiende contacten met Suriname zijn we in contact met een aantal MULO scholen die graag willen samenwerken. We bieden 3-6 klassen uit de onderbouw VMBO een unieke kans om te internationaliseren in het Nederlands; de samenwerking verloopt in een veilige en goed ondersteunde Learning Circle VMBO. Zie het rechtermenu voor verdere details. Natuurlijk is er in de januari 2009 studiereis ruimte voor de deelnemende VMBO docenten om hun partnerscholen in Paramaribo te bezoeken en samen de Learning Circle voor te bereiden.Global Teenager Project en UTSN Om de samenwerking met Suriname en de Learning Circle VMBO stevig te verankeren werken het Global Teenager Project en iEARN Suriname samen. Vanuit die samenwerking vroegen we een subsidie aan bij UTSN, een organisatie voor twinning tussen Suriname en Nederland. Die aanvraag is op 15 oktober goedgekeurd (hoera!!) en dat zal er toe bijdragen dat de samenwerking in 2009 een succes wordt! Deelname in de Learning Circle VMBO 2009 is dan ook geheel gratis!Studieweek in Paramaribo Om de docenten en leerkrachten goed voor te bereiden op de Learning Circles organiseren we in januari 2009 een studiereis voor de deelnemende leerkrachten. We bezoeken de scholen en hebben samen met de collega’s uit Suriname, Curaçao en Nederland twee workshop dagen op 21 en 22 januari. Tijdens de scholingsdagen worden in overleg met de deelnemers de thema’s van de Learning Circles vastgesteld. Ook werken we hands-on met de wiki en de digitale camera’s. De studiereis zal zeker bijdragen aan succesvolle Learning Circles! We vertrekken vanaf Schiphol op zaterdag 17 januari 2009 en zijn terug op Schiphol op zondag 25 januari 2009.Contactpersonen Suriname Mw. Betty Burgos – iEARN Suriname en Global Teenager Project coördinator Suriname Mw. Miriam Wekers – BSO – Speciaal Onderwijs Mw. Nila Persad – iEARN SurinameContactpersonen Nederland Dhr. Bob Hofman – Global Teenager Project Coördinator Internationaal Mw Elle Peters – SG. Mariendael – Speciaal onderwijs Dhr. Pim Haenen, ICT-manager SG. Mariendael Mw. Ria Kattevilder – Global Teenager Project Coördinator Nederland Sponsor |
Learning Circle “Meine Hafenstadt”Der Learning Circle “Meine Hafenstadt” ist für Schüler mit 2 – 3 Jahren Deutschunterricht in Gymnasium oder Realschule geeignet. Verständigungssprache ist Deutsch.Ausgangspunkte Learning Circle
IJsselcollege, Capelle aan de IJssel, Niederlande. |
Hi, we are 14 students of the Corlaer College in Nijkerk, The Netherlands and we are participating in the Expedition Corlaer project and we have made an amazing study visit in May 2009 to Canada.
Our project Water & Wetlands.
Expedition Corlaer is a project focussed on students developing their talents, individually and in a group. In this, 3 year during project, students may work at a self chosen social international issue.
Our team, team 4 green, is concerned about nature, the up-warming of earth and the reducing of the ice which has consequences for the water level.
That’s why our project is about wetlands. We are anxious to learn about the flora and the fauna and we hope to discover more information about water level and pollution.
This knowledge we want to share. We want to teach students from grade 5 and 6 of the primary school more about wetlands and the milieu. The more people know, the more we can do about changing our way of life that’s not good for our environment.
During this project we want to compare a few of wetlands, so we can see the different in temperature , high differences, clearness. etc.
Maybe we can learn more about changes in weather, water and fauna and flora. We’re going to write 10 lessons to learn about the nature and wetlands. These lessons can be used in primary school in the Netherlands and other countries, because we will write the lessons in English too. Hopefully are students in Canada willing to help us.
We are planning to put these lessons online. If it is possible we will put webcams in the wetlands (in the Netherlands and Canada) , so everybody on line has the possibility to see on line how the animals and plants live and develop.
Learning circle
To write our lessons we need all kinds of information on wetlands. Of course we search on the Internet for information, we visit a wetland in the neighbourhood, but it is more interesting to learn together with other students all over the world.
So we’re still looking for more information, we hope you can help us. (It doesn’t matter which homeland, county, school or anything you are coming from)
If you can help us, please sign in and join the Water Wetlands Circle
The best way of offering your help
Choose a question in the Circle which we can use in our lessons.
Topics or your question could be:
We hope you will join us in the Learning Circle. Thanks, Expedition Team 4!
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Photos Studyvisit Uganda March 2009 | ||
Edukans Learning Circle Edukans took the initiative to set-up this digital exchange pilot between PTC-students in Netherlands and Uganda. The pilot will take place by using the method of the ‘Learning Cycle’: A Learning Cycle is setup by a team of 10-12 classes/groups that create a temporarily learning environment. The groups remain together over a 3 month period working in 6 phases on projects drawn from the curriculum of each of the classrooms organized around a selected theme. The theme of this learning cycle will be “Education in the 21st century”. |
Facilitation | ||
The training sessions in Soroti (March 7-15 2009) and Amersfoort (April 2 2009) and the Learning Circle “Education in the 21st century” will be facilitated by The Round Table. The Round Table – Eliane Metni and Bob Hofman – also coordinates The Global Teenager Project. |
Target group The Learning Circle is based upon the Twinschools approach; participants are from two countries – Uganda and The Netherlands and focuses on ‘Pabo students’, primary education “teachers to be” from teacher training institutes in The Netherlands and Uganda. There are 12 ‘classes/groups’ in this Learning Circle; each class consists of 4-8 students: |
![]() A regular class might be divided in several groups. |
![]() Groenewoud-Nijmegen, Stenden – Leeuwarden en Avans Breda |
Why? Edukans and The Round Table want to pilot this methodology of the Learning Circle in tertiair Education to see if it creates an added value and more depth to Edukans Education Experience (EEE). The goals are the following: |
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PTC Soroti is enthusiastic about this pilot. PTC Soroti has received EEE several times now, they see this as a way to let EEE be more for their students than a short (2-days) visit. Besides this they feel this will enhance the computer competence of their students. | ||
Time line The learning Circle has six phases and a fixed timeline. |
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