The Richness Within 1 – Project Schedule

2006 – 2008
September – December 2006

Identification of 3 schools in the USA and Netherlands, willing to make commitment for a 2-year collaborative project and teacher exchange.

Profile of schools, to be setup in close collaboration with the US-Embassy > focus on schools with a mixed cultural student population.

Create and maintain a dedicated project space on

Selection and application process of schools.

Teacher training in the US on Learning Circle approach and work in collaborative learning environment.

Launch of project idea at the iEARN World conference 2006 (done).

December 15th 2006; workshop in New York, iEARN-USA, 475 Riverside Drive, The Orthodox Room, New York, NY 10115.
January – June 2007

Teacher training on Learning Circle approach and work in collaborative learning environment in The Netherlands.

Video Conference between the participating Twinschools.

Set-up and completion of a Learning Circle with the 6 selected schools.

Covering all activities on and

Set-up of the teacher exchange in school year 2007 – 2008.

January 15th  2007 > workshop for Dutch teachers; 16:00 pm, location near Utrecht CS .
2007 – 2008
September 2007

September 2007: first round of teacher exchange before the start of the 2nd Learning Circle.

Teachers from The Netherlands visit their Twin-partner schools in the US.

Schedule: Saturday September 22nd – Saturday September 29th 2007

Arrangements and support exchanges, based upon home stay.

Design of 3 individual Twinschools projects.
October 2007 – March 2008

Learning Circle and projects.

Covering of all activities on and
April – May 2008 second round of teacher exchange

Teachers from US visit their Twin-partner schools The Netherlands.

Presentation and finalizing of projects.

Covering all activities on and

 Arrangements and support of exchanges are based upon home stay.


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