2006 – 2008 | |
September – December 2006 | |
Identification of 3 schools in the USA and Netherlands, willing to make commitment for a 2-year collaborative project and teacher exchange. | |
Profile of schools, to be setup in close collaboration with the US-Embassy > focus on schools with a mixed cultural student population. | |
Create and maintain a dedicated project space on www.twinschools.nl | |
Selection and application process of schools. | |
Teacher training in the US on Learning Circle approach and work in collaborative learning environment. | |
Launch of project idea at the iEARN World conference 2006 (done). | |
December 15th 2006; workshop in New York, iEARN-USA, 475 Riverside Drive, The Orthodox Room, New York, NY 10115. | |
January – June 2007 | |
Teacher training on Learning Circle approach and work in collaborative learning environment in The Netherlands. | |
Video Conference between the participating Twinschools. | |
Set-up and completion of a Learning Circle with the 6 selected schools. | |
Covering all activities on www.twinschools.nl and www.learningcircles.nl. | |
Set-up of the teacher exchange in school year 2007 – 2008. | |
January 15th 2007 > workshop for Dutch teachers; 16:00 pm, location near Utrecht CS . | |
2007 – 2008 | |
September 2007 | |
September 2007: first round of teacher exchange before the start of the 2nd Learning Circle. | |
Teachers from The Netherlands visit their Twin-partner schools in the US. | |
Schedule: Saturday September 22nd – Saturday September 29th 2007 | |
Arrangements and support exchanges, based upon home stay. | |
Design of 3 individual Twinschools projects. | |
October 2007 – March 2008 | |
Learning Circle and projects. | |
Covering of all activities on www.twinschools.nl and www.learningcircles.nl. | |
April – May 2008 second round of teacher exchange | |
Teachers from US visit their Twin-partner schools The Netherlands. | |
Presentation and finalizing of projects. | |
Covering all activities on www.twinschools.nl and www.learningcircles.nl. | |
Arrangements and support of exchanges are based upon home stay. | |
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