CTG – Tuesday October 14th 2008

Dowling Urban Environmental Elementary SchoolWe visited many different groups and classes in the school.
First we visited kindergarten, where we attended a session with a special media-teacher. They did all kinds of tasks with the letter B (Ball, Bouncing Ball, etc.) It was great to see the kind of active learning that’s made possible with intensive use of the Active Board.The classroom was filled with rows of the latest Mac’s, that by the way were used all over the school. Starting this semester 12 brand new Promethean boards and 22 Epson beamers were installed al over the school.
And the visit was taped on KTSP televison Channel 5
After this we visited the physical therapist. She explained to us that therapy only covered those things that impair learning. All other therapy has to be covered by the insurance, which is quite different from our system.
We then went to Mrs, Koopman at the swimmingpool. She has retired 5 years ago, but she just can’t quit. Her enthusiasm was overwhelming.Bob Hofman and Reinier Jongerius were interviewed by Leah Mclean of 5 (ABC) Eyewitness News. Of cource we ripped this piece of worldnews so we could watch it over and over again.

We were really enthusiastic about the way we were welcomed and what we were able to see at Dowling environmental school.

The Mississippi
In the afternoon we went to the Patrick Henry High School.  The welcome was also very warm and pleasant. The school has 1200 pupils ranging from 14 to 18 years. Many come from a poor background and have to live in unsafe neighborhoods. The majority of the students enjoy a free lunch at school and breakfast is also complementary.  All students attend classes from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM.
Pupils that drop out due to behavioral problems are attending the SPAN program. This stands for Special Programme for Adolescent Needs. At the moment 48 pupils are in the program. They are followed using a special kind of behavior monitoring system.  They are scored on language, behaviour, presence en learning achievements. During  social activities the pupils meet with the regular students. Apart from the SPAN program there is a special life skills program that focuses on pupils that have cognitive problems. This programs covers 45 pupils and is supported by 3 teachers.


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