Canada – Junior Master Class 5 – Verslag 12 mei

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Saturday was our day of arrival (in Holland of course!). We still were on our flight from Halifax to London. I slept an hour or two, till I woke up cause I heard much laughter. I sat next to Brigitte and Dorien. They told me that I was sleeping on Brigitte’s shoulder. They said it was really cute ;(. Anyway, the flight was very short for me. It felt much shorter then when we were going to Canada. Everyone was tired. You could see it on their faces. We all looked really bad. I had no food on the plane. When I woke up, the stewardess was just passing by. We were still a bit quiet, probably cause off: – We were tired. – We missed the Canadian people. I mailed very much already with the Canadian students. When I was arrived at home, I read the letter of the family where I was staying with. I almost started to cry again. Kaitlin’s mom was really nice to me. I also saw the CD with the animations that we made. Also saw the movie on it. IT were pictures of us working hard. They showed us the CD Friday-morning. Everyone was crying at the time. When I saw it again, I was almost crying again. I will never forget this trip and I am so thankful that I was chosen to go to Canada.

Guys in Canada: I will never forget you !


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