Canada – Junior Master Class 5 – Verslag 11 mei

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Today was a very nice day but also a sad day. When we arrived at school there were some people waiting. Everybody looked so sad and then we started crying already. We went into the school. We watched at a slideshow. The slideshow was about us. There were pictures of the week at the Harry Miller Middle School. Everybody was crying when they saw the pictures. The Dutch students get a bag with Canada stuff. We loved the things they give us. Thank you guys so much for everything!!!

But then the time was there… we had to say goodbye. Everybody starts crying again. Everybody was crying and hugging. It was so cute to see.

Everybody was still crying when we droved away with the cars.

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Then we went to a shopping-centre and we bought a new t-shirt. We had a lot of fun but we were still sad… L After the shopping centre we went to PEI. That means Prince Edwards Island. We drove at the longest bridge in the world. We watched in a store. After that we drove to a lobster nursery. There was a very big lobster, his weight was 7,5 kilo. There where a lot of lobsters. Then we drove back to Halifax. On Halifax everybody checked in. If everybody was finished, we ate something on Halifax. Almost everybody ate something by Burger King. Round 9.30 PM we walked through the security, and we are waiting for our flight back to Heathrow. Everybody was so tired in the airplane, so we slept on the airplane.This hole journey was a beautiful experience for us, and we make a lot of new friends.


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